Unkarilaiset residenssivieraat Péter Hecker ja Mária Pecsics pitävät esittelytuokion työskentelystään ja taiteestaan torstaina
19.5.22 klo 18 alkaen. Esittely on englanniksi.
Lämpimästi tervetuloa!
Taiteilijatalo Gjutars
Vanha Kuninkaalantie 6
01300 Vantaa
Péter Hecker on unkarilainen taidemaalari (s.1963). Vuodesta 2018 lähtien hän on toiminut taiteiden tohtorina. Vuodesta 2020 hän on apulaisprofessori ELTE-SEK:n kuvataiteiden laitoksella.
Hänen työssään on usein yhdistettynä tyyliteltyjä esineiden ja hahmojen kuvauksia sekä jännitystä ja huumoria, jolle on usein ominaista sarkastinen ja usein sosiaalisesti herkkä kuvateksti. Monien hänen maalaustensa päähenkilö on taiteilija ja taiteilija itse, mutta hänen aiheensa ovat usein myös sosiaalinen ja poliittinen kritiikki.
Mária Pecsics on valokuvaaja, joka asuu Budapestissa, Unkarissa. Vuodesta 2014 lähtien hän on toiminut taiteiden tohtorina ja väitteli tohtoriksi Moholy-Nagyn taideteollisen korkeakoulun DLA-koulusta.Tällä hetkellä hän toimii apulaisprofessorina MATE:n valokuvauslaitoksella Mediainstituutin johtajana. Hän valokuvaa pääasiassa maisemia, jotka tutkivat ihmisen ja luonnon välisen suhteen teemoja. Hänen työskentelynsä pohjana on dokumentaarinen valokuvaus, mutta hänen taideteoksiaan ei aina voida pitää perinteisenä valokuvauksena.
The Artist Exchange Program, founded in 1989 and overseen by Budapest
Gallery, is one of the oldest running residency programs in Budapest.
The program’s main goals are to offer opportunities for Hungarian
artists to familiarize themselves with foreign cultures and to introduce
artists from abroad to the Budapest art scene.
In 2020, Péter Hecker won a scholarship that gave him the opportunity
to spend a month in Finland, Vantaa. The Art Residency Program has only
now become a reality due to the pandemic.
Peter Hecker came with his wife, Mária Pecsics who is also an artist,
and together they will present their artworks to the public at the
Artist House Gallery Gjutars on 19 May 2022 at 18.00. After the
screening, there will be an opportunity to talk to the artists in
Péter Hecker, painter, born in 1963 in Budapest, graduated in Visual
Communication from the Gesamthochschule in Kassel in 1996. Since 2018 he
has been a Doctor of Liberal Arts, and received his doctorate from the
Doctoral School of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts. Favouring
simple settings, his decorative colour paintings, composed of unusual,
surrealistically associated motifs, previously based on private
photographs or images found in various press organs, and more recently
on the internet, are reworked to create completely absurd situations.
His work is characterised by a combination of highly stylised depictions
of objects and figures and a tension and humour that is often
characterised by sarcastic captions and captions that are often socially
sensitive. The main protagonist of many of his paintings is the artist
and the artist himself, but his subjects often also include social and
political criticism. Since 2020 he is an Assistant Professor at the
Department of Visual Arts at ELTE-SEK.
Mária Pecsics is a photographer living in Budapest, Hungary. After
finishing Secondary School of Visual Arts she graduated in 1998 and in
2003 at the Department of Photography and at the Teacher School of
Hungarian University of Art and Crafts. Since 2014 she has been a Doctor
of Liberal Arts, and received his doctorate from the DLA school of
Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design. She photographs principally
landscapes that explore themes of the relationship between human and
nature. Her artwork is documentary photography that based on different
concept. Her artwork cannot always be considered traditional
photography, she often creates photographic objects and makes use of
Since 1998 she is a member of Association of Hungarian Photographers. In
2000 she founded a professional advertising photo studio and led it for
six years. Since 2006 she works as a teacher. At present she is an
Associate Professor at Photography Department of MATE as leader of the
Media Institute.