Unkarilainen residenssivieraamme Lóránd Szécsényi-Nagy järjestää taiteilijatapaamisen perjantaina 29.7 klo 15.00 Taiteilijatalo Gjutarsissa. Olet lämpimästi tervetullut!
He is working as a new media artist in Budapest, Hungary. Currently he is conducting his doctoral research which is focusing on the representation and reinterpretation of astronomical observations in the field of art. Through his work he is trying to find answers to fundamental questions such as: How do time and space interact with each other? How can this connection be explored and visualised in a comprehensible way? How can we discover the metaphysics of our reality?
For these purposes he creates multimedia, light and sound installations and experiments with different imaging methods. He primarily uses technical media to search for correlations that are different from the usual approaches, thus revealing the hidden processes underneath the layers of normal operation.
Welcome to Artist’s House Gjutars!