Taiteilijatalo Gjutars | Simona Ledl | The Individual Collective | Sunnuntai 30.8. Klo 14-18

Taiteilijatalo Gjutarsin elokuun residenssitaiteilija on Simona Ledl Itävallasta.

Simona Ledl is our residence artist of August 2020 at the Artist House Gjutars! We will be organising a small pop up exhibition in Gjutars on Sunday the 30th from 14.00 till 18.00. The exhibition entails art work that Ledl has made during her visit in Vantaa. Here below description of the exhibition by Ledl:

“I see art as a way of getting to knowing myself, others and the world. I am particularly interested in the question of how certain environments and social situations are perceived from different perspectives. In my exhibition “the individual collective” I engage with the concept of common ground. Drawing on the sensation of the individual, I establish a connection between different point of views and thus creating an image of collective perception. Based on interviews of twenty one participants I created seven artworks that combine their individual perspectives.

As part of the exhibition I will also show works on paper inspired by my experiences in Finland. Those works reflect my typical style where I combine abstract painting with figurative drawing techniques.”

You are warmly welcomed to visit us during the opening hours! The artist is present.


Simona Ledl, Helsinki, 2020

Posted in Näyttelyt, Uutiset.